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Soil and Groundwater Technology Promotion Platform Project

This project emphasized the continuous review the strategic policy and action plan of the soil and groundwater related technology development. The research and pilot testing program supported by the soil and groundwater remediation fund has been utilized as the vehicle to achieve the objectives of strengthening technical capacity and elevating the capability of local technologies as well as realizing the technology promotion goal. So that, the existing challenges regarding the contaminated sites can be resolved. Through the analysis of current domestic environmental policy, technical needs, international environmental policy, and related technology development, a comprehensive roadmap for the soil and groundwater technology development was established. There were five core research and development categories including: (1) groundwater quality monitoring; (2) agricultural resource protection; and emerging remediation materials/equipment development; (3) passive and digital monitoring technologies deployment; (4) sustainable and resilient remediation deployment; and (5) deployment of remediation process optimization. Also, the domestic soil and groundwater technologies classification has been updated and remediation process optimization was proposed as the focus of future soil and groundwater related technology development. Consequently, the Multi-Year Plan for the Contaminated Site Management Related Technology Development was updated based on the outcomes mentioned above. The research and pilot testing program supported by the soil and groundwater remediation fund for the year of 2020 to 2022 has been completed. The deliverables of the program consisted of requests for proposal, mid-term report review, final report review, and variety of auditing and conference meetings. The information system for the management of the program has been properly maintained during the project. Several improvement, including responsive web page design, login reminder and tracking mechanism as well as information statistical functions, has been implemented. Through the execution of the program, this study has proposed improvement solutions with respect to the procedure, performance assessment, and cost-benefit analysis to be considered in the future implementation to the program. To increase the degree of the technical penetration, this study has drawn out a technical promotion strategy and approaches. A related technical promotion information platform was designed and implemented in a prototype fashion that has included smart searching with artificial intelligent algorithm and experts database to increase the chance of matching making between researchers and the industry. As for the technical guideline, the permeable reactive barrier was selected as the targeted technology and the mid-level and concise guidelines were written up. This project also delivered two events of “soil and groundwater technologies demonstration and matching for industry and academia” and there were over 400 participants. In the events, seven technical short assays, technical columns, and short documentary film were made and released for further promotion of the valuable innovative technologies. More importantly, there were four cases of letters of intend for the technology transfer signed in the matching processes. The future challenges in the contaminated site management can be better resolved with the collaborative work and technologies transfer.
Technology Development, Technology Promotion, Technical Collaboration Match